
Academia Navală "Mircea cel Bătrân"


2019 - Issue no. 2



Nandi, Y. Malik, pg.46-52
Visual landscape analysis of coastal tourism potential in Geopark Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu Indonesia

IF. I. Munteanu and A. A. Purcarea , pg.53-60
A theoretical comparison upon the use of UML or BPMN in the modeling of logistic processes and the management of logistical operations

T. Stanciu and C. Adumitresi, pg.61-68
Control of metabolic gases in hyperbaric chambers

L. Maruntelu, pg.69-73
Methods and means of communication in vocabulary teaching

T. Madjarova, S. Lutzkanova and S. Stefanova, pg.74-79
Empirical analyzes of the causes for gender inequalities in the maritime profession

Y. Volyanskaya, S. Volyanskiy, O. Onishchenko, V. Shevchenko, pg.94-100
Ship's course stabilization accuracy improvement by implementing dual-loop control system

C. Popa, C. L. Cojocaru and A. Toma, pg.101-109
Study case on navy cadets' crew profile in regard of diversity management onboard training ships

R. Apostol-Mates, A. Barbu, pg.110-115
Fatigue leading to human error: a study based on marine accidents

M. A. M. Popescu, O. D. Negoita, A. A. Purcarea, M. V. Popescu, S. V. Miroslav, pg.116-125
Process modeling for business management of online marketing campaigns through social media

A. L. Istratie-Macarov and A. Buzarna-Tihenea (Galbeaza), pg.126-132
Legal issues encountered by translators and interpreters in Romania, in their activity

I. Hristova, pg.133-137
Need for training of seafarers in first aid and medical matters

P. Ozdemir and T. Albayrak, pg.138-145
Generation Y women in maritime and leadership

P. Ozdemir and T. Albayrak, pg.146-156
A Comparative Study of the Perspectives of Men and Women in Maritime on Gender Issue

A. Sirbu and C. Alibec, pg. 241-246
Teaching ESL to (Young) Adults

I. Sabin Sopa and M. Pomohaci, pg. 352-365
General aspects regarding the technique of swimming in the military pentathlon

I. Sabin Sopa and M. Pomohaci, pg. 366-376
Study regarding learning tehnics of 50 m obstacle swimming in the military pentathlon

C. C. Olaru pg. 377-381
Development of motricity in naval pentathlon