Faculty of Navigation and Naval Management

Faculty Management:
CDR Associate Professor Cotorcea Alexandru, PhD [CV european]
Associate Dean for Education
LCDR Instr.Eng. Pocora Andrei, Phd candidate [CV european]
Associate Dean for Research
Associate Professor Bautu Andrei, PhD [CV european]
Faculty Council
  • Captain (N) Associate Professor Eng. Nistor Filip, PhD
  • LCDR Instructor Eng. Pocora Andrei, PhD candidate
  • Associate Professor Bautu Andrei, PhD
  • CDR Associate Professor Eng. Cotorcea Alexandru, PhD
  • Associate Professor Eng.Avram Rita, PhD
  • Captain (N) Associate Professor Eng. Lupu Sergiu, PhD
  • LCDR Lecturer Eng. Serban Sergiu, PhD
  • LT Lecturer Eng. Nedelcu Andra-Teodora, PhD
  • LCDR Instructor Eng. Simion Dragos, PhD candidate
  • Student Grecu Valentina
  • Student Blajut Lavinia-Irina
  • Student Manaila Ioana-Octaviana
  • About us
    The main objective of the Faculty of Navigation and Naval Management is the training of the river and navy engineer officers able to safely run the watch and to assure the maintenance techniques onboard maritime and river transport ships, as well as the training of engineer-economists for the harbor companies in accordance with the economy competitive requirements.
    These objectives can be realized through:

    • By providing a specialized theoretical and practical training at engineering level in accordance with the duties they will have to fulfill;
    • By training their skills according to the STCW-95 standards for the accomplishment with a sense of responsibility of the maritime officer duties at an operational and management level as well as the engineer-economist skill forming, able to organize and manage the activities of the harbor exploiting companies;
    • By improving the skills that deal with the information systems that are used in the modern ship’s exploiting;
    • By training the abilities of managing the crew and of integrating in their specific area and of managing companies that deal with the exploiting of ships and harbors;
    • By developing the communication skills in English and in another international language.

    On the Government Decision no. 216/2005 basis, the Faculty of Navigation and Naval Management is accredited to unfold long-period licensed education (4 years) in the day courses and reduced frequency learning forms at the following specializations:

    • Navigation, Maritime and River Shipping
    • Engineering and Maritime and Port Management

    And Masters Degrees education at the following specializations:

    • Nautical Sciences and Shipping
    • Engineering and Maritime and Port Management