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Visit of the Romanian Defense Attaché

On 05.06.2018, the Naval Academy "Mircea cel Batran" received the visit of the defense attachés (military, air, naval) accredited in Romania, during the annual information trip made in the Constanta garrison, between 04.06-06.06.2018. Besides presenting the educational offer and the institutional managerial points, the military attachés had the opportunity to visit the material base of the ANMB, the appreciations being unanimously positive regarding the significant progress made in the last years regarding the material endowment and the modernization of the education and research infrastructure. The NAMB management meeting with military attachments opened new perspectives in developing partnership relations at international level in the field of military education and training with similar partners from Europe, USA, Canada, China or South Africa.

Ultima actualizare: 09 Iunie 2018